Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Here's hoping someday, in the Philippines, we follow in their footsteps.

May I live to see the day that I have the right to marry the man I love in the country I was born in.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I have HUGE issues with the movie.
But I will say Cavill makes a lovely Superman.

Watch this for even more woof.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Tonight, be my Supernova

Forever fabulous.
Always copied.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Now THAT's an EVENT I'd support!

Loving how O Bar has brought back the PRIDE in celebrating Pride Month!
Entrance is free.  Everyone is welcome.
And the event is having on-site HIV Counseling and Testing.

While there are still some concerns, such as some posters don't seem that well-laid out (or too many fonts were used), some grammar concerns (Shouldn't it be "BecauseTrue Love and Pride are for free" instead of is?)  and how some of the text blasts in social media seem to be obsessing over abusing the use of the Exclamation Point (!) I'm over all very happy with how this event has been approached.   A lot more professional and polished and worth being proud of.

Let's celebrate PRIDE!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Know Your Oh Divas! - Part One

My partner and I don't really go out to drink and socialize that much.  Both of us are just not that kind of people.  But when we do, O Bar is pretty much one of the places we do love to dance the night away as we  celebrate our happiness.

There aren't that many places out there that are like O bar.  While most places seem more preoccupied with superficial things, O bar excels in just being a place where you can be yourself and enjoy the fabulous sights and sounds.  No pretensions.  No drama.

Among the many things we love about O bar, we truly, deeply, love the drag shows that highlight every single night.  Rocky decided to show even more appreciation for their talent and creativity by writing up a series of articles to help you get to know the Oh Divas.

Here's the first set of articles:

The Ethel We All Know As Nap

The Sickening Dee Dee Holliday

The One and Only Eva Papaya

The Captivating Kat Kat

So that's part one of the Know Your Oh Divas series of articles!
Will update you guys once my partner releases the next batch.
Til then, lots of love to you all!

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