Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
Do you remember him?
Was surprised to read he's "back."
Definitely most will say he aged well.
Although for me, he looks like Rob Lowe = Artificially Nice and Aged.
Definitely most will say he aged well.
Although for me, he looks like Rob Lowe = Artificially Nice and Aged.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Men who can dance are always hot.
But more so if you're Ben Cohen.
In a suit.
Labels: Ben Cohen, dance, reality tv, suit
Monday, October 21, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
May I grow old this hunkfully.
And that was waaay back during "She's All That."
I can only pray to actually grow old this hunkfully.
Keep it up, Freddie Prinze, Jr.
Labels: Freddie Prinze Jr., hunks, shirtless
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Pride is Always Important
I feel bad that I failed to post anything for National Coming Out Day. Life has been pretty hectic in many fronts and I will admit, blogging was one of the first few things that had to be put on hold.
But man I have to say this:
I am very pissed off and disappointed at how some have transformed the Annual Pride Event into a personal statement aimed at another organization. While the rest of the world is talking about the importance of being heard, of making our presence welcome, and of showing unity, here in the Philippines the very group that once clamored on the importance of participating in the Annual Pride March has taken the most inane direction in this year's Pride Events.
I'll let you see the post here:
Now, had it been a statement saying "Marching is NOT the ONLY WAY to celebrate Pride" then I would applaud it for reminding the Pink Community of the many other ways one can show support and commemorate the sacrifices and challenges that were faced back in the Stonewall Riots. But no, the group is instead claiming that marching is not necessary.
After years of saying it was. All those times before, the push was, "How do we encourage people to march?" "How do we remind people if they don't feel they are represented in the Pride March, then they should go to BE represented." Suddenly now it is all you don't have to march? Bullshit.
And rather than be supportive of it, or perhaps still have a second march people can also participate in, the group has decided to make a public statement claiming marching is not necessary.
Quite a huge CHANGE from what was being proclaimed back in July.
It is the same stupid slandering that was being bandied about during the White Party nights. Many groups opted to host their own White Parties. Think about that for a second: MANY GROUPS WANT TO HOST THEIR OWN WHITE PARTIES. That is a HUGE step in the right direction. People are all celebrating in their own ways. People are all making events to celebrate what used to be a single event! So now, every LGBT person in Metro Manila has the option to choose where it is more convenient. Has the freedom to go where their friends opt to go. Has the joy of being able to celebrate the night by visiting all the events they want! Can you imagine? Having such freedom of choice? There was a time when having a party that celebrated gay freedoms had to be underground. This was a good step.
And yet, the slander began. "Not the REAL White Party" and so on was thrown about. As if a specific organization in the Philippines was the root of it all. As if a specific location in the Philippines was the real reason the party was born. As if Stonewall did not matter.
Selfish. Idiotic. Divisive.
Task Force Pride has become a force of personal pride, rather than a beacon of unity and colorful hope.
I am now embarrassed to know the people behind this direction. (And yes, I want my book back. You've borrowed it long enough.)
Very embarrassed.
My partner and I will still march at the upcoming Pride March in Quezon City this year. We will still show our support to the Pink community. We will still remind people that many of the freedoms and levels of acceptance that are now enjoyed were thanks to the people back in the past who took the courage and effort to MARCH and to SPEAK UP.
True Pride was never about "who gets the credit" for an event.
And that's but one of the many things a certain group has to learn about truly being a voice for a community.
Labels: coming out, march, pride, stonewall riots, stupidity, white party
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