Thursday, December 19, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
[NSFW] Matt Smith in American Psycho
Labels: American Psycho, butt, Doctor Who, gif, Matt Smith, nsfw
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Oh Channing...
Predictable, but who cares.
Channing. Oh Channing.
Labels: channing tatum, spoof, youtube
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
Do you remember him?
Definitely most will say he aged well.
Although for me, he looks like Rob Lowe = Artificially Nice and Aged.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Men who can dance are always hot.
But more so if you're Ben Cohen.
In a suit.
Labels: Ben Cohen, dance, reality tv, suit
Monday, October 21, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
May I grow old this hunkfully.
And that was waaay back during "She's All That."
I can only pray to actually grow old this hunkfully.
Keep it up, Freddie Prinze, Jr.
Labels: Freddie Prinze Jr., hunks, shirtless
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Pride is Always Important
I feel bad that I failed to post anything for National Coming Out Day. Life has been pretty hectic in many fronts and I will admit, blogging was one of the first few things that had to be put on hold.
But man I have to say this:
I am very pissed off and disappointed at how some have transformed the Annual Pride Event into a personal statement aimed at another organization. While the rest of the world is talking about the importance of being heard, of making our presence welcome, and of showing unity, here in the Philippines the very group that once clamored on the importance of participating in the Annual Pride March has taken the most inane direction in this year's Pride Events.
I'll let you see the post here:
Now, had it been a statement saying "Marching is NOT the ONLY WAY to celebrate Pride" then I would applaud it for reminding the Pink Community of the many other ways one can show support and commemorate the sacrifices and challenges that were faced back in the Stonewall Riots. But no, the group is instead claiming that marching is not necessary.
After years of saying it was. All those times before, the push was, "How do we encourage people to march?" "How do we remind people if they don't feel they are represented in the Pride March, then they should go to BE represented." Suddenly now it is all you don't have to march? Bullshit.
And rather than be supportive of it, or perhaps still have a second march people can also participate in, the group has decided to make a public statement claiming marching is not necessary.
Quite a huge CHANGE from what was being proclaimed back in July.
It is the same stupid slandering that was being bandied about during the White Party nights. Many groups opted to host their own White Parties. Think about that for a second: MANY GROUPS WANT TO HOST THEIR OWN WHITE PARTIES. That is a HUGE step in the right direction. People are all celebrating in their own ways. People are all making events to celebrate what used to be a single event! So now, every LGBT person in Metro Manila has the option to choose where it is more convenient. Has the freedom to go where their friends opt to go. Has the joy of being able to celebrate the night by visiting all the events they want! Can you imagine? Having such freedom of choice? There was a time when having a party that celebrated gay freedoms had to be underground. This was a good step.
And yet, the slander began. "Not the REAL White Party" and so on was thrown about. As if a specific organization in the Philippines was the root of it all. As if a specific location in the Philippines was the real reason the party was born. As if Stonewall did not matter.
Selfish. Idiotic. Divisive.
Task Force Pride has become a force of personal pride, rather than a beacon of unity and colorful hope.
I am now embarrassed to know the people behind this direction. (And yes, I want my book back. You've borrowed it long enough.)
Very embarrassed.
My partner and I will still march at the upcoming Pride March in Quezon City this year. We will still show our support to the Pink community. We will still remind people that many of the freedoms and levels of acceptance that are now enjoyed were thanks to the people back in the past who took the courage and effort to MARCH and to SPEAK UP.
True Pride was never about "who gets the credit" for an event.
And that's but one of the many things a certain group has to learn about truly being a voice for a community.
Labels: coming out, march, pride, stonewall riots, stupidity, white party
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
More Kylie is always good.
Limpido by Laura Pausini, featuring Kylie.
Love it!
Labels: kylie minogue, Laura Pausini, music, youtube
Monday, August 19, 2013
Where did I see you before?
So our Pacific Rim hero is quite the looker... but where have we seen him before?
Oh yes, Queer as Folk indeed.
Labels: Charlie Hunnam, movie, nathan maloney, queer as folk
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Congratulations again Carl
Your work continues to reach others.
You truly have made a mark in our Pink History.
Labels: carlo vergara, youtube, zsaturnnah
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Ingget ang itawag mo sa akin
Clearly some people have heard of the success and fabulous fun of O Bar and hope to cash in and ride with its popularity.
ONE BAR Olongapo which clearly has decided to try and call itself O Bar and even use the tagline Obarians which O Bar's Oh Divas have long used to refer to their patrons and fans. Oh One Bar. How sad that you clearly are too afraid to try to make a name for yourselves. Given you just had a launch, your own status messages and updates clearly show you constantly trying to push the name O Bar to refer to your bar, and yet all your customers ask or post about One bar instead.
I guess someone in Olongapo is still going through an identity crisis.
But I understand. O Bar after all has become a prominent fixture in gay Manila whether on how it treats its patrons to how it celebrates Pride. I don't blame you, One Bar, for wanting to be more like O bar.
So there you go. More options out there for the Pink Peso. Just don't confuse it for the real thing.
Labels: just wrong, o bar, One Bar
Monday, July 15, 2013
Friday, July 12, 2013
Monday, July 8, 2013
Chriss Platt has gone flat.
Labels: Chris Platt, hunks, shirtless
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Labels: discrimination, equality
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
I have HUGE issues with the movie.
But I will say Cavill makes a lovely Superman.
Watch this for even more woof.
Labels: Henry Cavill, shirtless, work out, youtube
Friday, June 14, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Now THAT's an EVENT I'd support!
Entrance is free. Everyone is welcome.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Know Your Oh Divas! - Part One
There aren't that many places out there that are like O bar. While most places seem more preoccupied with superficial things, O bar excels in just being a place where you can be yourself and enjoy the fabulous sights and sounds. No pretensions. No drama.
Among the many things we love about O bar, we truly, deeply, love the drag shows that highlight every single night. Rocky decided to show even more appreciation for their talent and creativity by writing up a series of articles to help you get to know the Oh Divas.
Here's the first set of articles:
The Ethel We All Know As Nap
The Sickening Dee Dee Holliday
The One and Only Eva Papaya
The Captivating Kat Kat
So that's part one of the Know Your Oh Divas series of articles!
Will update you guys once my partner releases the next batch.
Til then, lots of love to you all!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
When a Press Kit is NOT a Press Kit
[Press Kit] You are cordially Invited!
And worse, it was very BADLY written. Bad enough that I doubt anyone of a professional level went through the copy to make sure it was readable, concise, accurate and properly-written. I pondered on whether or not to post it here in my blog at first, but soon realized that if I hoped for them to have better written announcements in the future, the least I could do is show how it could have been better written.
I have, however, been told by many friends that the very contents of the email were inaccurate. Many of them raised facts that the contents of the email had wrong. And one was even ready to share actual evidence showing the errors of the email's declarations. Since I personally cannot raise those facts myself, I decided to post my "copy writing" corrections (and I invite people to contribute to this post with their comments.)
I will state that I love celebrating Pride. Ever since I finally came out of the closet, I've made it a point to join the Pride March whenever I can. I do join the parties when I can as well, but as of the last two years I've started to shy away from them since they seem more intent with getting my Pink Peso than truly celebrating Pride. Sadly, this coming "12th White Party" seems to still be following that direction.
Manila celebrates 12th White Party
White Party is the name of a number of circuit parties held every year all over the world catering to LGBT communities.
My version:Their version continues with this:
You are Invited to the 12th Annual White Party!
Be part of another fabulous celebration of Pride as Manila celebrates the 12th Annual White Party!
In the Philippines, White Party started in Malate 12 years ago as a marketing tool for Malate Business Association. Over the years, LGBT organizations are directly involve in its creation. Like most White Parties held every year in Chicago, Miami and Palm Springs, White Party Manila also served its purpose as a catalyst for empowerment, pride, freedom and unity for the LGBT community. The concept of all-white clothing theme was chosen by co-founder of Miami White Party Frank Wager because, as he said, "White stands for purity. White is elegant, non-political, non-combative and makes people look just plain beautiful".
My version would have been:
12 years ago, the Philippines celebrated it first White Party and over the years numerous LGBT groups have united their efforts to continue its annual celebration. The White Party continues to serve as a catalyst for empowerment, pride, freedom and unity for the LGBT community. The concept of an all-white clothing theme traces its roots from the co-founder of the Miami White Party, Frank Wager. For Wager, "White stands for purity. White is elegant, non-political, non-combative and makes people look just plain beautiful."
This years' White Party Manila will be a celebration of feats won by the large majority of LGBT. The passing of RH Law from whence the community is strongly supporting is one of them.
My version:
This year's White Party Manila will be a celebration of the steps forward we have made in being recognized and respected as a Filipino community. The passage of laws such as the RH Bill are small but growing victories in our hopes of being part of a more progressive and socially-welcoming society.
While it is true that majority of Filipinos are now embracing and gradually becoming passive about homosexuality, it is also true that majority are still unable to accept the very core of LGBT's existence. The driving force for this year will be Acceptance. This year, White Party is trying to reach out not only to the community they are catering but also the majority of the populace, homosexuals and heterosexuals alike. Chelu Productions, the group working for the event, believe that engagement outside the community is a potent force in educating the populace about gender and equality.Admittedly, there seems to be a good direction in terms of intention here. There is the desire to "educate" which I do agree is important. But man, this is the White Party. Isn't the White Party meant to be a chance to CELEBRATE? A chance to stand out and be proud of who you are, and celebrate with your friends and peers? Will there be seminars and talks during this party? How exactly will this "celebration" happen?
My version:So after all the talk about educating and acceptance, the letter continues with another shift in direction. Mind you, this is within the same paragraph. Looking at the White Party Miami website, the event is largely a celebration thing (I don't see any seminars and the like in the events page) and a fund raising activity for Care Resource. And these are accomplished through sponsorship options. Here, the local event claims to have loftier goals:
While we now enjoy a degree of tolerance from our peers, the fight for true equality is not over. This year's White Party seeks to embody the theme of Acceptance and invites everyone, regardless of gender, to take part in the festivities!
Like most White Party celebrated in the world, the main purpose of the event is to educate all members and its allies about current issues that involves homosexuality. HIV awareness among others will be one of this years' highlights.Okay, so wait, I thought the focus of this year was Acceptance? Of reaching out to those who are not LGBT? So what really is the darned highlight of this event? I don't even know how to write my version of this any more, since we're really treading on "This section completely needs to be reconsidered. What direction are we really headed? What do we really want to say?" The main purpose is to educate? Via a street party? Are you serious?
Attendees for this years' White Party will expect the best music, the best performers and the best authority in the LGBT community. Support groups and other LGBT advocates will also be putting up booths at the event venue significant to the community.Again, that "years'" issue is getting on my nerves. And I don't quite get the "best authority in the LGBT community" part. Best authority in what way? Celebrities are not best authorities. Or is that what we want to count as an authority in our community now? "Putting up booths at the event venue significant to the community" means what? Are we talking testing centers? Are we talking places with pamphlets on safer sex? Are we talking about fun festive booths and small shops with memorabilia and trinkets? Would it have been really so hard to spell that out better?
Finally, it goes:
The event will be held at the birthplace of the country's first White Party in Orosa-Nakpil, Malate, Manila on June 29, 2013. Gates will be opened by 8PM. General admission is Php 150 (entrance only) and VIP tickets are at Php 1000 with unlimited drinks.Okay. First, let's admit it: O bar and Bed have closed shop. So the two BIG reasons to celebrate in Malate are no longer there. I understand the desire to try to still market this event, but maybe it would have helped to at least mention which bars are part of it at this point. And maybe even clarify how this event will look. Shall it be tables along Orosa-Nakpil? Shall it be an open street?
And once again, I am disgusted that the event has an entrance fee. So much for making this an celebration where we can invite others to join us. As mentioned many times before, there have been White Parties in the past that were fully sponsored and did not charge entrance. And now, with the public fully aware of the big two no longer being there, we're being invited to this event with no idea what will really be in it, but clearly told we have to pay to get in. Oh and yes, NO MENTION OF THIS BEING A FUND-RAISER AT ALL. So where does the money go?
The email ends signed by the :
Head - Communications and Public Relation
just a street party without really explaining how.
So yeah, count me out of this event. Clearly it is less a community celebration and more a party you want to make money from. Just like that other party not too long ago.
And no, you do not have the right to use "my version" of the copy for free.
I felt I had to speak up about this. I miss the Old Malate.
But I am really disgusted with how these events are now being approached.
Here's the whole letter.
Altered only to hide the identity of the sender, out of respect of that person's privacy.
Labels: Cannot Unsee, just wrong, white party
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Worth Reading List
Fifteen Years Now4 months ago
Best Milf Hook Up Websites ES2 years ago
Writing Challenge: One More Time7 years ago
Pure Morning8 years ago
Happy Anniversary!11 years ago
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New story!!!13 years ago
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