Reading Between the Updates
The foundations of a relationship can sometimes be gleaned by simply keeping a keen eye on what either of the two seem to celebrate the most. While a great connection and a rich sex life are both vital to a relationship, one can discern quite easily by glancing at the details what one or the other celebrates the most in their relationship. It is in such introspections that social media such as Mark Zuckerberg's blue logo monstrosity,, or one's blog can be much more revealing than one expects.
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Who needs to worry about losing one's privacy to Facebook when we're all too willing to already over-share information? |
"Hit the gym. Feeling good. I love today."
"Decided to catch the latest Bond movie. Should be fun."
"Got a haircut. Love my new look."
Me. I. All about the person and not about them. All about enjoying life alone.
I couldn't help but wonder when I read them, "Where they not ever together?!?!?" At one point, the two ate at some Italian restaurant. Their updates then followed.
"Had delicious pasta today. Love the food here!"
Came one update. Okay, so he was enjoying his night... even if it sounded alone.The other, around the same time, sent this update:
"Bored. Anxious to go home. Good food at least."
And again, barely any hint of being together.
Maybe it was a case of being in the closet. Or maybe it was a hint that the other wasn't too keen on where they decided to go that night. But one would have thought the updates would have at least hinted that they were hanging out at the same place.
When things fell south, many were devastated. To many, it was unthinkable. How could they have ended such a "perfect" relationship? I didn't even bat an eyelash. I could see it a mile away. They were too happy with their own lives they did not really enjoy sharing it with one another.
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Yep, the POKE icon is actually a hidden taunt at what you are. |
Then, there is this pair I know of which loves to play the switcharoo game in their social network updates. The two are greatly in love and passionately care for one another, but due to personal reasons are openly exploring having sex with other partners. My feelings on open relationships aside, I am happy that they do at least keep an honest and open flow of communication between them - honestly sharing if they found someone interesting and discussing whether or not it is alright to have fun with the said person or not. None of the "I'll claim to be single/your ex" manipulations in play. So their social network updates are tailored to hit the said "market". I applaud them for their courage in choosing to wade in what I feel is potentially dangerous waters. The risk of tearing apart trust can be tremendously detrimental to a long term partnership.
I do however pity the poor soul who becomes the victim of their united front. I can only hope that the poor sod at least is given a clear understanding of what the situation is, and isn't lead on to think he's in a relationship with a single man.
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To quote, Sharleen Spiteri and Johnny McElhone, "You can say what you want, but it won't change my mind, I'll feel the same about you." |
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There will always be them liars out there. Or worse. |
Sometimes, deny what one wilt, the updates reveal the details indeed.
So if you have a facebook account, well, maybe you ought to take a step back and look at how your updates normally sound. That may give you a better idea on why some people know you better than you think!
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