Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I'm Better than I've Ever Been. Can you say the same?
Christmas has just zoomed passed us and in a few more days 2010 will be bidding us farewell. Who would have thought time can move so quickly when you are having this much fun. To be honest, I still find myself at times pinching myself to make sure I'm not caught in a dream or lost in some food-induced ecstatic vision. The number of things that I had accomplished in this year alone are quite overwhelming, to be honest. It was almost as if I had been stagnating for so long and had never really noticed it.
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Merry Christmas from us! |
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Life is like Inception. Confusing. |
Let's face it: Life can be challenging enough as it is. From academic to economic expectations, dealing with the pressures of school and work are already a lot for some people. Add to that the pressures from siblings, friends, and parents who all (well, at least the real ones) really just want was is best for you. Then finally, add the delicate act of sharing and yet respecting boundaries that is necessary for a relationship to remain healthy and not dip into either obsession or abuse. Life is pretty challenging enough as it is.
Add to that the discrimination from both others and one's peers for being gay.
And for being a geek.
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Trust me, you guys have it easier :-P |
But in many ways, this never-ending challenge of embracing one's true self, and celebrating it with the world, is what makes life worth living. It is only when one is able to say, "Hey, look! This is me and I love being me!" can one start to honestly consider finding that special someone else whom one can share one's life with. Cause one has to be very careful out there. There are a lot of predators, users, and abusers out there who would not really feel any moral obligation to care about how easily they manipulate your naïveté to their advantage. A large part of knowing how to avoid such people is to learn to trust yourself first and to love yourself for who you are. Once you do, the adage like-attracts-like easily comes into play and before you know it, you will find someone who "gets" you as much as you "get" him too.
Really. No. Don't go there. |
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Year of the Rabbit is coming up! |
*Thanks to my partner Rocky for some of the pictures!
George Washington
Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation. It is better be alone than in bad company.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Geekwood: Tom Strong
While Tom Strong might not be as popular as Superman or Spider-man, his approach to defeating his villains is always an entertaining read. The comics show him doing everything from talking down an otherworldly digital construct to trading another planet for the salvation of the Earth. Each issue an interesting read by itself! But even more fun are the cast of characters that join him in his exploits, from his wife Dhalua, to his daughter Tesla, his gorilla companion King Solomon, and his loyal servant Pneuman.
There was even an issue where the explore a future version of Tom Strong, and yes, age has done little to bring down this man's hotness. Even if his hair had grown white, his body remains at the peak of delicious fitness and his fuzziness even more so.
And of course, what comic that embraces the pulp era would fail to have its own share of bondage moments? There also are issues where our good yummy Tom finds himself fighting against tentacle-like horrors or struggling against bukake-esque monstrosities.. but I think I best leave that for you readers to find the issues and experience the visuals on your won.
But definitely, this married man is off limits save for us adoring his heroic exploits. I mean, let's be frank here, he already has a daughter. Superman only accomplished that when an openly gay director was given the rights to handle his development. Yep, we gay guys are needed to remind them breeders to breed at times.
So with all that, Tom Strong wins a place in this blog's Geekwood entries. Admitted, he might not be the chunky bulk most bears are, nor the much more hirsute forest grizzlies can get, his massive guns, and even larger intelligence easy shoo him into the world of comic hunks that deserve to be noticed.
Check out Tom Strong when you can! With 36 issues out there with each one absolutely worth reading, I highly recommend you head for your nearest bookstore or comic shop and treat yourself to a four-color experience that tickles both your brain and your... other bone.
Take home your own Tom Strong now!
Or sleep soundly with original Tom Strong artwork on your walls!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I thought you guys were braver than this
The Philippines recently had its annual Gay Pride March and much to my dismay, I was not able to take part in it this year. My partner and I had been looking forward to taking part in it for months after experiencing the excitement and pride of being part of something meaningful last year. Unfortunately, my parents decided that the same weekend was to be a good weekend to fly to Singapore to celebrate my sister's birthday. So like a good recently outed gay son, I decided to do my share in being part of the family and joined them for the trip.
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Last year with my other friends. |
I remember how excited I was last year to join the Pride March. I wasn't out to my family. While most of my co-workers and friends knew I wasn't walking the "straight" path, few neighbors or family friends were aware of my preferences. But I admired the courage of those who had been part of the march year after year and realized in many ways it was more than just a chance to show off one's gayest costume (like some do). In fact, those who showed off their gayest costumes were simply doing something I was, back then, afraid to do: Just be myself and have fun.
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My partner and me in our matching black Trek shirts |
And experienced very quickly all the hate and bigotry that certain members of society had for me.
They were at the corners, with their banners and placards condemning us for being who we were. Calling us vile things. Speaking into their loudspeakers cruel and wicked words. They used the Lord's name in vain. They used the Bible as a personal weapon. And they said WE were the one's who had lost our way.
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So much hate from people claiming to love God. |
Some of our friends retaliated.
They made their own posters. They chanted their own slogans. They yelled back. Or sang. Or threw jokes back. Insults too. But all they did was encourage the hate even more. Fan the flames stronger. Fed the evil that called itself good.
I felt it was a sad reminder of how people still believed we were best invisible.
Or non-existent.
And even worse was when I heard from people I consider my friends the similar themes of hate.
One facebook friend wrote about the Pride March not representing him since it merely showcased freaks. Another proudly shared how he was invited to the March but felt it was all just politics. Was that really how bad it get's here in the Philippines? That the discrimination ran so deep, rather than take part to BE represented, we would rather insult and demean those who clearly showed a courage superior to our own? That we would dismiss the march as merely something political, when in fact, it WAS political for the right reasons. It was political because we deserve to be acknowledged. We deserve to be recognized. We deserve to be accepted. We aren't even seen as mere equals. It wasn't a call for special treatment. It was a call to be identified as real. Damn right it was political!
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Yes, it felt so much like this. |
There I was, stick in Singapore, wishing I could be part of it, and here were friends of mine so content with their own personal concerns that the idea of being part of something bigger felt... unimportant.
It was insulting. It was depressing.
It nearly drove me to disassociate myself with them.
Who needs friends who don't see the point in seeing you to the very least as equals.
More so when they themselves were gay.
Of course, when it comes to the "other" annual big gay event, the so-called White Party attendance shoots up and celebrations are explosively present. When it comes to bathhouses and models strutting around in badly designed underwear, you have throes of gay men screaming their tonsils out. Clearly sex sells.
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2010 March Route. How I wish I was here! |
Things need to change.
And we need to do our part.
The March to the very least shows we are not afraid.
So I challenge you gay guys out there in Manila. Stop being content with hiding. Stop thinking you aren't part of something bigger. Take that step. Join the March.
Make a difference.
Be represented by being there to represent yourself.
We can fill the world with rainbows.
We can help make it a better place.
thanks to my partner Rocky for most of the pictures of last year's Pride March.
I promise, 2011, I will do all I can to be with you when we attend it.
Labels: closet, discrimination, march, pride, responsibility, Rocky, white party
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
On the topic of delectable dots and biological buttons
Labels: nipples, pleasure, quickie fiction
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My Piss Story
Extra Joss + water in a used water bottle |
The corner |
Re-enactment: Clearly I did not look this amused when it happened. |
I guess I WAS holding it this way too. |
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Disclaimer: Not me. If it was, I'd need a bigger bottle with a wider mouth. |
I still can only wonder why they even thought I would go drink my own pee in the first place.
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They make a rainbow... where did you think them NIPS came from? |
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Are you REALLY worth it?
An interesting question was raised to me earlier while I was at my favorite haunt regarding relationships. I showed up to hang with my friends when out of the blue, someone who I have only begun to know as a friend threw me an interesting query:
It seemed like a strange thing to ask, given we were at O bar enjoying our drinks while dancing to Kylie, Duffy and other wonderful singers. The mood, though muddled a bit by a pair of horrendous monkeys who were practically dry humping on the stage, was far from serious and the drinks were still in their infancy. I considered the fact that it may have been a question that had been nagging the said person's mind and he may have opted to ask me for my opinion given he knew me to be both old and much more introspective about things.
I repeated the question aloud and thought about it for a moment. After all, the question had much more weight than one would expect. Is a person's "worth", for example, something that another person has the right to determine? Would factors such as occupation, personal wealth, good breeding, eloquence of speech and courage to come out be valid standards to forge the proper measure of a gay man? Would judging another based on such color one as being materialistic? Or a bigot? Or even elitist?
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We've all found ourselves at one point or another questioning our own self-worth because of how another abused our trust and love. |
Take for instance a couple where one is a wealthy, well-connected man of high profile status. The man may be raking in thousands per week, driving the best car money can buy, and practically be a celebrity in his field of practice. Some (and most of the time these would be parents or titos and titas) would say such a person is a great catch! That someone who is that successful is worth it, no matter how he is as a person. For some, such a person can even be a habitual liar who sleeps around with total strangers, or a manipulative bastard who brainwashes his friends to like him by bribing them with gallant displays of generosity. The idea that he's successful is worth those "tiny" problems.
On the other hand, imagine if one of the people in the couple happens to be a man who proclaims himself some kind of modern day hippie, despising work and relishing on spending his days doing practically nothing under the guise of searching for artistic perfection. The lazy slob might automatically be deemed as worthless by others who think the fact he doesn't earn his keep makes him less of a man.
But sometimes, such a strange mix can still work. Sometimes, the unfaithful bastard in the first example might simply have psychological issues that the other understands and accepts. Or sometimes, the sloth in the second example might truly be fantastically creative when the moment hits him and his partner embraces that probability and waits with him for that moment.
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It takes two. Two people who sleep around freely in a real open-relationship would work. But one doing so, while the other has no idea or is kept from doing the same... that's doomed to fail. |
Maybe. The only ones who can really answer that are those involved, if you ask me. Yes, maybe they can be abusive. Maybe they can be unfair. But if the people involved ultimately are happy, then they deserve that happiness, as twisted and inappropriate as others might deem it. Hey, come on, think about it. We are gay. We are in same-sex relationships. A majority of the people of the world already deem us immorally inappropriate and biologically wrong.
Does that make the relationship worth it, though? Does that make it worth the pain? The anguish? The self-doubt?
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Be honest. |
In a relationship that is worth it, I believe both couples strive to maintain an ever present existence of trust with one another. Trust after all, once broken, can take quite much more time than expected to heal. And worse, many mistake a "bahala attitude" as trust. Sensitivity, on the other hand, when present already reduces the presence of infidelity, selfishness and shallowness. When one learns to hold one's partner's feelings in mind, one remains conscious of things that may strain the other's trust and patience. A sensitive person would never hit on someone else, because that person knows such an act can be painful to the other. A sensitive person would never claim to be okay with something, then complain about it once the other actually does it. Patience is the glue that strengthens the three. When one is patient in a relationship, one embraces the fact that no matter how close and wonderful two are together, one accepts the truth that they are still two different people. And two different people may have differences in opinions, interests, or taste. One learns to respect the needs of another, but, guided by sensitivity and empowered by trust, knows that such time will not be abused to the point it leaves the other feeling dejected or unwanted. And lastly, Responsibility. Knowing what resources exist in the relationship, from the material (cash) to the immaterial (time) and understanding that one has to treat such things with a much more mature perspective. Many who simply "do what they want since no one is complaining" fail to realize how irresponsible they are. Such people try to throw the blame on the other for not "telling them to stop" as if they were not given the brains to realize how abusive they are getting.
(I posted about this here too, for those who haven't read it.)
And with those said, we return to the question:
I think ultimately we all can try to assume someone is for an unspecified period of time. When we find someone we like, or feel we have a connection to, we decide, "Yes this person is worth it" for a period of time. Ironically, this period of time tends to be the time we are merely getting to know someone more. During this period, we cancel plans to make time for the other. Or cancel purchases to treat the other out somewhere we like. Many make the mistake of putting their best "show" forward, rather than being themselves, thinking it would be better to "win someone over" by showing them an "ideal" rather than to let someone get to know them as them and face the consequences. But I personally don't think there's anything wrong with assuming someone is worth it this early.
In fact, I think ultimately, we never know for absolute certain if someone is worth it. We can only assume. Or rather, to be more accurate, we can believe the other is.
When we find someone we feel is worth it, we make a leap of faith. We trust in something that doesn't exist. We give that someone a chance to show us otherwise. And sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes, we give more chances. Sometimes, we give up. Too soon. Too late.
But we believe.
And that is a belief no one can tell us is wrong. Because as individuals we have the right to make such decisions. What we should never do, however, is blame the other for choosing to believe. (We can always, however, curse them for lying if they do.) And if we find someone who deserves us, it won't be hard to see how they too took that chance and believed in us.
And reached for the same ideals you had.
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Leaping ain't too hard if you know you're both doing it for each other. |
But if that trust is shattered, that sensitivity is trampled on, that patience is broken, and that sense of responsibility is abused, I only hope that you realize these things and remember: You deserve better.
And someone out there, deserves you too.
Labels: honesty, o bar, patience, relationships, responsibility, sensitivity, stupidity, trust
Friday, November 12, 2010
Again, Dear Zac,
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I see you like packing stuff in the rear. |
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Please be a fake tattoo. Please be a fake tattoo. |
This comic needs a movie adaptation. And I mean a really good one. |
Labels: ang lee, carlo vergara, chris evans, jake gyllenhaal, stephen dorff, zac efron
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Dear Zac Efron
And yes, I will admit, for someone of your age and looks, you have a fantastically fit body. I know of so many people who would die to touch your arms, caress your chest, and maybe even fondle your armpit hair if given the chance.
Strangely, I was not one of them.
Well, not until I saw these pictures:
And this is to be immortalized on my very blog.
You are HOTNESS.
Finally, in my eyes, I see you and I can believe you have a penis.
I always knew you had one.
Thanks to these pictures, I am now able to say,
"Yes, Zac Efron is hot!"
I just hate how Hollywood prefers its men clean and hairless like a prepubescent boy's testicle. Seriously. Men have hair for a reason. Hair is hawt!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
We were the Gayest Superhero duo!
Happy Halloween Everyone!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
[so easy] Home-made Ice Cream
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It doesn't help that he's pretty hawt for a cook. Bonus points for posing with a cute piglet! |
This is our home-made ice cream topped with some Dark Chocolate topping! |
Seriously, that's it. Bananas are all you need.
Step 1: Allow the bananas to get nicely ripe. In fact, a little bit more over-ripe is better. Once the bananas as starting to feel softer than firm... the brown ones are BEST!
Step 2: Cut up the bananas into slices.
Step 3: Freeze.
Step 4: Assuming it has been a few hours, or even a few days, and the craving for ice cream finally hits, take frozen banana slices from freezer, and toss into blender.
Step 5: Blend nicely, but not too much. Too much and you may end up with something more like puree. Just blend it enough to get the nice creamy texture of ice cream. You'd be surprised how the non-blended bananas mix nicely with the blended parts to form tremendously delicious ice cream!
This is an example of blending TOO MUCH. More a Banana Smoothie than Ice Cream. So to make up for it, just tossed in a Flat Top and some chocolate sauce. |
So yes, it is THAT simple.
Rocky found this recipe online and while we were very skeptical at first, it seemed easier than the other ice cream recipes that we found (some required looking for liquid hydrogen. Another used ice cube trays to create the ice cream. And all needed so many ingredients... milk, creams, etc.) This recipe was surprisingly simple yet very delicious and fulfilling to eat!
I highly recommend you try it to surprise the man you love!
Labels: cooking, dessert, geek, Rocky, television
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Reading Between the Updates
The foundations of a relationship can sometimes be gleaned by simply keeping a keen eye on what either of the two seem to celebrate the most. While a great connection and a rich sex life are both vital to a relationship, one can discern quite easily by glancing at the details what one or the other celebrates the most in their relationship. It is in such introspections that social media such as Mark Zuckerberg's blue logo monstrosity,, or one's blog can be much more revealing than one expects.
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Who needs to worry about losing one's privacy to Facebook when we're all too willing to already over-share information? |
Me. I. All about the person and not about them. All about enjoying life alone.
I couldn't help but wonder when I read them, "Where they not ever together?!?!?" At one point, the two ate at some Italian restaurant. Their updates then followed.
The other, around the same time, sent this update:
And again, barely any hint of being together.
Maybe it was a case of being in the closet. Or maybe it was a hint that the other wasn't too keen on where they decided to go that night. But one would have thought the updates would have at least hinted that they were hanging out at the same place.
When things fell south, many were devastated. To many, it was unthinkable. How could they have ended such a "perfect" relationship? I didn't even bat an eyelash. I could see it a mile away. They were too happy with their own lives they did not really enjoy sharing it with one another.
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Yep, the POKE icon is actually a hidden taunt at what you are. |
Then, there is this pair I know of which loves to play the switcharoo game in their social network updates. The two are greatly in love and passionately care for one another, but due to personal reasons are openly exploring having sex with other partners. My feelings on open relationships aside, I am happy that they do at least keep an honest and open flow of communication between them - honestly sharing if they found someone interesting and discussing whether or not it is alright to have fun with the said person or not. None of the "I'll claim to be single/your ex" manipulations in play. So their social network updates are tailored to hit the said "market". I applaud them for their courage in choosing to wade in what I feel is potentially dangerous waters. The risk of tearing apart trust can be tremendously detrimental to a long term partnership.
I do however pity the poor soul who becomes the victim of their united front. I can only hope that the poor sod at least is given a clear understanding of what the situation is, and isn't lead on to think he's in a relationship with a single man.
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To quote, Sharleen Spiteri and Johnny McElhone, "You can say what you want, but it won't change my mind, I'll feel the same about you." |
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There will always be them liars out there. Or worse. |
Sometimes, deny what one wilt, the updates reveal the details indeed.
So if you have a facebook account, well, maybe you ought to take a step back and look at how your updates normally sound. That may give you a better idea on why some people know you better than you think!
Labels: closet, honesty, relationships, sex, social networks
Worth Reading List
Fifteen Years Now4 months ago
Best Milf Hook Up Websites ES2 years ago
Writing Challenge: One More Time7 years ago
Pure Morning8 years ago
Happy Anniversary!11 years ago
Updates and Rejected work13 years ago
New story!!!13 years ago
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